

1698 Uppsatser om Pain Assessment - Sida 1 av 114

Sjuksköterskors skattning av patienters postoperativa smärta - en litteraturstudie

Background: Patients postoperative pain is often underestimated. Untreated or undertreated pain decreases the chance of optimal recovery after surgery. Pain Assessment is an important factor of efficient pain relief. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe factors of importance for nurses´ assessment of postoperative pain in patients. Method: A literature study was done where qualitative and one quantitative article was reviewed.

Smärtskattning med validerade smärtskattningsinstrument - en interventionsstudie

AbstractPain among patients in their final stage of life is a commonly occurring problem. Results fromthe Swedish Register of Palliative Care (SRPC) indicate that validated instruments forassessing pain are rarely used. Nurses' insufficient knowledge of pain and pain treatmentmethods may be a cause of maltreatment of patients who suffer from pain.The goal of this study was to determine whether training within the area of pain, painassessment and Pain Assessment instruments increases the use of validated Pain Assessmentinstruments utilized by nurses working in care homes for patients in the final stage of life inthe city of Uppsala.Method: A quantitative and quasi-experimental design was selected to perform the study.The intervention study that was used consisted of one training session where onequestionnaire was given before and one after the time of training. Register data were collectedfrom the SRPC given the question of Pain Assessment before and after the intervention.Results: The study showed that nurses more often used Pain Assessment instruments after thetraining session. The results also showed that nurses to a greater extent than before alternatedbetween the two validated Pain Assessment instruments that were introduced at the trainingsession.Conclusion: The results showed that when nurses at care homes are given training in the areaof pain and Pain Assessment they absorb and use the newly acquired knowledge in theirclinical work..

Har barnet ont?- Barnsjuksköterans bedömning av smärta hos barn som vårdas på neonatalavdelning

Introduction: The complexity of the neonates? way of expressing pain is a difficulttask for the pediatric nurse. The Swedish national guidelines for prevention and treatmentof pain in the newborn infant is suggesting that departments regularly use structuredmethods, such as Pain Assessment instrument, for the assessment of pain in the neonatalperiod. Previous research shows that Pain Assessment instruments are only used in abouthalf of all Pain Assessments in Sweden. Neonate's cannot verbally communicate their pain,and are therefore dependent on the pediatric nurse to acknowledge the pain.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans bedömning och värdering av smärta hos patienter : En litteraturstudie

The aim is to describe the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement of pain in patients. Literature study based on 13 reviewed articles, searched in the Cinahl. Qualitative and quantitative articles were analyzed. Six themes were identified that can be seen as the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement. The themes were   pain education, nurses´ experience in the profession, nurses´ level of knowledge about pain relief, documentation about pain, nurse´s perspective on the patient, and pain measurement.

Musikterapi som redskap inom barnsjukvården : forskningsöversikt avseende smärta och rädsla

The aim is to describe the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement of pain in patients. Literature study based on 13 reviewed articles, searched in the Cinahl. Qualitative and quantitative articles were analyzed. Six themes were identified that can be seen as the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement. The themes were   pain education, nurses´ experience in the profession, nurses´ level of knowledge about pain relief, documentation about pain, nurse´s perspective on the patient, and pain measurement.

Dokumentation av smärta : En studie baserad på journalgranskning

AbstractThe aim of this study was to examine to what extent documentation of Pain Assessment with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) on patients with pain problems was carried out. The study also explored how the documentation followed the existing guidelines of pain. The material was analyzed with descriptive statistics and a qualitative content analysis. The results shows that 43,24 % of total 37 analyzed patient records contained documentation of pain with VAS on the day of hospitalization. All studied journals contained documentation of pain.

Att identifiera smärta hos personer med demenssjukdom : En litteraturstudie i omvårdnad

Background: Pain can be a constant problem in many older people's daily life, associated with particular physical and social disability, depression and poor quality of life. Dementia diseases are often associated with old age. Communication difficulties are one of the consequences of the disease, which clarifies the role of nursing staff in detecting and assessing pain. Objective: The aim was to compile knowledge about how nursing staff can identify pain in people with dementia. Method: A systematic literature review, where data were collected through manual and database searches.

Smärtbedöming inom ambulanssjukvården : Hur sjuksköterskor bedömer patientens och vilka faktorer som påverkar bedömningen

Background: The majority of patients requiring medical attention experience some degree of pain. The nurses´ assessment of pain is crucial in reducing the patients suffering in a proper and timely manner. Previous studies have shown that the treatment of pain in a emergency situation is poorly managed. The patients´ pain experience is often under assessed and undertreated which leads to increased suffering for the patient. This results in higher costs for the health care system due to prolonged hospitalization.

En utmaning: Sjuksköterskans bedömning av smärta hos personer med demens.

People with dementia often have difficulties expressing their needs. Untreated pain within this group can be manifested as depression, agitation or loss in appetite. It can be a challenging task for a nurse to estimate, treat and evaluate pain for people with dementia. With good knowledge and an empathic approach, nurses can often recognize and relieve pain amongst these people. Despite this, litterature often suggest that unrecognized and untreated pain is common within this group..

Sjuksköterskors kunskap om smärta och smärtbehandling : En enkätstudie

Knowledge regarding pain and pain treatment is an essential part within nursing that a nurse is responsible for. Earlier studies have shown that lack of that kind of knowledge often results in inadequate treatment for pain. The purpose with the study was to describe nurses? knowledge regarding pain and pain treatment at a medical unit in a hospital in central Sweden, and to see if there was a distinction in knowledge related to professional experience. Data was collected through a questionnaire with questions referring to pain (6 questions) and pain treatment (6 questions).

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av patienter med myelomatos och associerad kronisk smärta : en litteraturstudie

Background: Multiple myeloma is a malignant incurable cancer disease associated with severe chronic pain. The nurse has several important roles in the management of patients with multiple myeloma. This study focuses on nurse´s roles including the caring of pain relief.Aim: The aim of this study was to elucidate the nurse?s role in giving care to patients with multiple myeloma and associated chronic pain.Method: This literature study was based on scientific articles.Results: The nurse is in a key position to facilitate ongoing adequate pain and psychosocial assessment of patients with multiple myeloma. The study presents ways of relieving pain and suffering via different ways of caring management.

Tecken på smärta under anestesi - hur anestesisjuksköterskan bedömer patienten

ABSTRACT Introduction: One of the great difficulties that the nurse anesthetist encounter in their profession is to assess and estimate sleep depth versus signs of pain in the anesthetized patient. Based on a pre-operative appointment and the perioperative monitoring, an assessment of the patient is made. The experience that the nurse anesthetist has can make it easier to understand what subtile signs of the patient depends on. Purpose: With this in mind, the purpose of the pilot study was to try to find out if there are specific signs of pain during anesthesia and if the professional experience played a role. As a subsidiary aim the authors examined whether there were factors in the patient that the nurse anesthetist takes into account in the identification of pain during anesthesia.

En pilotstudie för validering av den svenska versionen av CMPS-SF ? gradering av akut postoperativ smärta hos hund vid ortopedisk kirurgi och mjukdelskirurgi

One of many difficult issues in veterinary medicine is the assessment of an animal's experience of pain. As a licensed veterinary nurse in Sweden you are obligated by law to work by the concept of evidence based medicine. To achieve this the author of this study sees the need for standardized methods of Pain Assessment. A Swedish version of Short form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) has recently been translated and developed. Furthermore, a psychometric validation needs to be performed to ensure its validity and reliability.

Jämförelse av olika smärtskalor vid klinisk bedömning av postoperativ smärta hos hund

SammanfattningI arbetet beskrivs olika beteenden och fysiologiska förändringar som kan indikera smärta hos hund. Det finns också en kort beskrivning av tre smärtbedömningskalor: Visuell analog skala (VAS) Glasgow Composite Pain Scale Short Form (GCPS) och University of Melbourne Pain Scale (MPS). Dessa skalor har utvecklats som verktyg för att gradera smärta. VAS har tagits fram för humanvården och de andra är utvecklade för bedömning av postoperativ smärta hos hund. Arbetet innehåller också en mindre studie, där skalorna jämförs mot varandra.

Sjuksköterskors tillvägagångssätt vid smärtbedömning av äldre patienter

Bakgrund: Smärta är ett flerdimensionellt fenomen och ett vanligt problem inom äldrevården. Smärtbehandling finns att tillgå, trots detta är smärta underbehandlat hos äldre patienter.Syftet: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur sjuksköterskor bedömer fysisk smärta i omvårdnad av äldre patienter.Metod: Litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats har använts. Datamaterialet bestod av fem kvantitativa och fyra kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Det framkom tre huvudkategorier: smärtbedömningsprocesser, smärtbedömningsmetoder och smärtbedömningsredskap. Ur huvudkategorierna urskildes sex underkategorier: smärtidentifiering, smärtbedömningssvårigheter, kommunikation med patienterna för att bedöma smärta, smärtobservation, smärtbedömningsinstrument och dokumentation.Slutsatser: För att göra en smärtbedömning behövs en god relation till patienten, närstående och övrig personal där kommunikation har central roll. Sjuksköterskan måste tro på patientens egen skattning och smärtupplevelse..

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